When I am alone and sitting in my apartment is the time to do this sort of thing whatever comes off the top of my head zing zag zoom etc. My life lately has been going well with few upsets mainly because I don’t allow anyone or anything that kind of power over Me.power should be respected and put in its proper perspective and that is exactly how the cookie crumbles and makes a big mess on the floor I just spent two hours cleaning and scrubbing to a sparkling shine.Writing about anything that comes to mind so everything I write down is completely spontanious and original from my imagination to my BLOG.I am making a goal to do this for at least a half-hour once or twice a day who knows maybe something inspirational may come of it all.so far since coming up with this plan this is the first time i have spent more than a few minutes and maybe a couple of sentences wow today i feel inspired and who can tell maybe tomorrow also we will be here tomorrow same bat time heh heh heh.This kind of writing usually with no heading until I write a few paragraphs to see what i jot down as times goes merrily along and does it’s thing speaking of food in the morning a few friends gather together and talk,smoke pot and Brenda brings food and goodies Her and her seventeen year old dog bandit He just had a major stroke and is on his last legs but the Vet says he is not in pain so all the Best to Her and him he really has a great personality also he is deaf and has cataracts' in his eyes We sure do love him all the same any who I am just about at an end for today so see ya tomorrow g out.Roger wilco. Maxine was the name of my first and third rats that I had the pleasure of raising.Now I sit at home and do this in the morning after coming home from the park.my life is relatively simple but in my humble opinion Productive and Prosperous.Today was fun because there was a booklet full of topographical maps of Northern BC.Mountain lakes,hiking trails that only get used once or twice in a decade.growing up in Northern Ontario then moving to BC. at fifteen was great for a kid wilderness and surviving in it are great for a young man to be around 24/7 all the pleasures of the outdoor life at my doorstep .My next move is to purchase a thirty-two gigabyte micro sd card just for added help in maintaining my connection so it doesn’t have to work so hard.
this time of year(fall)is absolutely without a doubt the best time of year for hiking,walking,and fishing . You have more energy and when it is colder I move more to keep WARM.This exercise of writing continuously for as long as I am able surprisingly it makes sense soon this couple of paragraphs becomes a short story then a small children’s story for example three mice living together since they were little baby mice .They decide it was time to move out and build their own homes.The first mouse buys an acre of land baron area no water source he builds and delays and extra cost almost bankrupted him Mouse two gets an acre of crown land in northern BC. the terms of told him he needed access within a year water power sold some trees to pay for road and cabin costs solar and wind turbines used for electricity maintenance within five years his requirements are filled and moving in to a completed cabin building couple out buildings power is taken from the wilds around this little mouse was a thinker not a stinker.
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