I would venture to say he will not grow any longer however he will fill out some but if I keep his diet healthy and not to much fattening “Rat food” like there is such a thing well they do have animal psychiatrists and therapy sessions for dogs so it would not be so far fetched to have diet food for fat rats then in that case I have heard and seen it all now boy!Okay all joking aside let us talk about how Brutus is adjusting after finding out he is a boy when we all thought he was a boy but I think he has adjusted to this and is moving on.
There is not to much more to teach him,He is well behaved on the bus and in stores and the general public so the next step is just what we are doing BONDING and getting to know each other better and become close .We will know what the other wants with our mind we do that now so (c'est la vie!)
Hey what is happening my fellow internet friends this is kind of fun using windows live writer I haven't even scratched the surface however I am determined to learn more and take as long as it takes it is still fun anyway so keep on keeping on! What is UP CHUCK ! Hey do not be a poo poo be yourself and try to give before being asked change what is wrong before it must be changed do things that need to be done before they need to be done just do what you think is the right thing to do always strive for perfection give in everything you do.Be not the reason for a downed market be the reason for a jump in sales or communicate gto other companies the winning policy of your company do it before it has to be done!!
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