Thursday, 16 February 2012

                                       MY THAUGHTS ABOUT CIRCUMCISION
Many of the people now and from 40 years or so back have been successfully circumcised with little or no reprocutions from it,the few cases of blood poisoning was third world countries with minimum cleanliness and unnpottable water  most ,we are happy to discover have no bad  memories even the ones having the op when 13 years old(Jewish) that would hold some lasting memories however on the big side we have more successful stories than bad ones so  let's look at some of the cases with bad reviews so we aren't accused of onesided thinking boy when we think of how far we have broadened our vision by taking off blinders of fear of change and discovering new technologies and outrageous ideas
Yesser in the last 50 or so years we have come farther than a span of a thousand years earlier Progress we are discovering new technologies everyminute of every day someone has discovered a new breakthrough in cutting edge science and we are worried about a circumcision that for many happened when they were babies and don't remember anything about bad side effects what a joke/worry about something  real circumcision pro or con what difference does it make think about it and do what you(parents want to do) do we do it when babys and won't remember or have side effects or when 13 (jewish or not at all ( I don't know I'm circumcised so leaving the tuque on or taking off YOU DECIDE GRANDMA!!On the other hand I do not agree with the practice using dirty tools and operating room is unsterile .

We sure make a cute pair he loves and trusts me  good feeling to have someone who depends on me for life all areas of life mental spiritual physical all is important for educating your own "MUNCHKIN"!

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