small victory but a VICTORY that is a good word if that word appears you know your chances are fifty/fifty
Always make it a special task for you to find out everyone’s name in your “wake” try to get more but
for the time being that serves us well.Another important achievement would be to find out E-Mails addresses
this is over a period of a week or so.
to consider is weather you succeed or fail regardless the reply even no reply.After a while of this
practice pretty soon people start communicating back expressing themselves then the phone number and E-Mail
verbal or mental attack.My purpose for writing these Blogs this particular way is to build up my skills “foundation)
How this is presented and the timing should be planned ahead to insure a successful outcome and of course
the all important “HAPPY ENDING” Long lives to all in internet land.This part of the course on Creative Writing
wants me to present something that makes practical sense that it should hold the reader’s interest Try to
have a courteous polite interested attitude big part of a great presentation is to back yourself no matter what
never say anything controdictory have every puzzle piece fit perfectly in HARMONY with not a hindrance an asset
something that flows with the backing of fact and reason combining the whole bundle to perform the given task
without slow downs or shut downs YES this new plan will benefit the people of Rickety,Kentucky.We are
a people who keep out of other’s disputes our mission is to protect the Entire population of Rickety.
On the out-skirts of town where the seventh Line meets up with Ricky road just one-hundred meters from the
Ricky bridge the very spot where the motion picture “Dolly” was filmed the Ricky bridge is the only way
for two hundred kilometers in either direction drive across the river this is a remote swamp
area where some of the finest stills in the entire world brew up corn whiskey that “curls your toes)
and tighten your bows On the bus,walking through the park ,shopping, or eating a a bistro near the Rickety
Public Library.This is the place where George Washington gave the finger to Taft and asked him to
a fight a dual with him over a dispute involving his wife some form animals and Rickety Junior Football team
plus the Chaplin three alter boys and that was all in the first part of the day things where really looking to be fair skies
with not one cloud in sight systems were a GO this was almost ready to get under way when the people representing Taft
said he left because the fellow that handles his little FIGHTS was out of the COUNTRY
and expected back any time soon so Everybody in the entire group behind the writing,researching invested in this giant
undertaking the idea is to use words and the way they are placed throughout the story in such a
way as to back up previous chapters This is not the easiest undertaking you would think it is complex ,enthralling,and
makes the reader think and to use their imaginations to me that is a great selling point for Creative Writing Tutors
mine is presently instructing me in the art of using research (boring research)in such a way as to produce Emotion that i9s a goal that is Compulsory because if the reader doesn’t get interested enough anticipating something very big and exciting still to come Dazzle them with Brilliance or Baffle them with BULL SHIT!!@#@$%%^$#@#!!