Thursday, 12 November 2015


WE are practicing these principles in all OUR affair living ONE day at a time doing the exercises improving strengthening the good habits good traits skills life learning lessons developing them into a routine filling OUR day with positive activities .My memory lately has been coming in bits and pieces fragments it is much sharper in “HD”wow it makes a big difference today I can look at the past see what I missed and we have been cleaning up the wreckage of OUR past WE are using this in some cases as a tool WE develop the good traits and GOD removes the defects of character and WE intuitively knew how to handle situations that used to baffle us WE are learning to be honest with GOD Today WE have no secrets from GOD or are WE covering areas that shut him out today WE are open honest and willing WE show up daily with an open mind ready and willing to do GOD’S will for us WE are daily praying for the power to carry it out I have noticed an abundance of energy plenty to do the exercises and adding to the goals WE are having more than enough energy to do the exercises improving strengthening the good traits good habits skills and life’s learning lessons this is a seemingly hopeless disease of BODY MIND and SPIRIT this program is designed in such a way as to when WE are trying to submerse totally without abandon almost out of control it is in GOD’S control WE submerse into ALLTHREE areas MIND BODY and SPIRIT WE are striving for perfection in everything WE do WE do it to the very best of OUR ABILITY WE are content with OUR life today WE are constantly moving forward as WE move forward WE keep no secrets from GOD and when the things from the past come WE are ready to deal with it in steps ten and eleven we continued taking daily moral inventory and when WE were wrong promptly admitted it Half measures availed us nothing the program is simple and when done properly it works at recovering us from this seemingly hopeless disease of BODY MIND and SPIRIT I was talking to TOM this morning and maybe later WE will go check on the tablets 9” in size for only fifty-eight dollars pretty good prices at Visions electronic store in Metro Town mall in Burnaby It is crucial that WE start the day with writing in my journal and we keep on doing it daily plus the added exercises WE are working them daily strengthening improving the good habits good traits skills and life learning lessons developing them into filling up OUR day with positive activities WE are practicing these principles in all our affairs GOD I OFFER MYSELF TO THEE TO BUILD WITH ME AND TO DO WITH ME AS THOU WILT MAY I DO THY WILL ALWAYS TAKE AWAY MY DIFFICULTIES THAT VICTORY OVER THEM MAY  BEAR WITNESS TO THOSE I WOULD HELP OF THY POWER LOVE AND WAY OF LIFE AMEN. GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE WE intuitively know how to handle situations that at one time used to baffle US WE practice these principles in all OUR affairs it is imperative that WE must work on the program daily and constantly moving forward WE do not stop or slow like I mentioned there is an abundance of energy WE are using it and there is more GOD is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves WE do are part and GOD honours his end daily WE see the program works WE hear others who use this way of life and healing through GOD’S love and healthy living one day at a time WE are living and helping others Remembrance  DAY was yesterday and it is a stat. holiday now and before Half measures availed us nothing WE put everything WE have into this program WE hold back nothing we are not   hiding or keeping secrets WE are open honest able and willing to do whatever it takes WE go to any lengths also I want to always have this desperation I had when we came and in some ways we some seem to have to hit rock bottom however it is possible to do it WE are willing to go to any lengths to get this program for living this is a simple program and it was designed to continue for ever one day at a time with the maintenance steps WE are able to continue to deal with the problems WE are preparing for the absolute worst and it is important GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference GOD I OFFER MYSE3LF TO THEE TO BUILD WITH ME AND TO DO WITH ME AS THOU WILT TAKE AWAY MY DIFFICULTIES THAT VICTORY OVER THEM MAY BEAR WITNESS TO THOSE I WOULD HELP OF THY POWER LOVE AND WAY OF LIFE MAY I DO THY WILL ALWAYS AMEN.Today is the first day of the rest of my life that i8s true however the time to act is now and it is so important to keep on doing it do not give up or   slow down always moving forward it must work this way complete abandon submerse our WHOLE self auto response WE are programming GEORGE WE  are able to do that all these little bits of information coming back daily as we trudge the road to happy destiny GOD is doing for us WE are doing OUR exercises daily improving strengthening the good traits good habits skills developing them into the positive activities to fill in our daily routine WE are constantly looking to improve prepare strengthen any weaker areas we concentrate an effort to alleviate some of the pain and suffering WE are daily preparing for the worst and WE practice these principles in all OUR affairs.

When I get out of bed I try to start the program right away I must say it i8 a whole lot different from before the important difference is that WE are doing any program but the thing is WE must keep doing these exercises daily We have no secrets from GOD WE are doing the meditation and the prayers I have put to memory and also I would like to purchase a Big Book and then do some more intense studying of this text and quizzes etcetera WE have so much at our fingertips today We can give this program show them how it works experience strength and HOPE it is important to daily do the needed exercises daily improving strengthening the good habits good traits skills life learning lessons developing them to fill in the daily routine of positive activities WE are continuing to take personal inventory We humbly asked GOD to remove the defects of character shortcomings we were specific and this is a matter of great importance if WE do not these things will happen they will come back now WE are daily preventing things like that occurring or re-occurring this program can be a lot of things WE must work it give it to others in need WE do what we say today practicing these principles it is like any thing when we take it home WE try it  and if it is defective WE take it back or get rid of the defect that is what we are doing WE are learning and researching studying this program WE use whatever it is at our disposal and right now my memory of the big book is accurate and   pretty extensive I am happy that I studied and read quite a bit in the time I spent in Langley Alder Grove areas I read and studied daily and quite a bit GOD GRANT POWER LOVE and WAY of LIFE may I do thy will always AMEN WE are GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS i CANNOT CHANGE THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS i CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFRENCE GOD I OFFER MYSELF TO THEE TO BUILD WITH ME AND DO WITH ME AS THOU WILT TAKE AWAY MY DIFFICULTIES THAT VICTORY OVER THEM MAY BEAR WITNESS TO THOSE I WOULD HELP OF THY POWER LOVE AND WAY OF LIFE MAY I DO THY WILL ALWAYS AMEN.WE ARE PRACTICING THESE PRINCIPLES IN ALL OUR AFFAIRS.Today WE are keeping it simple and that is by no means the easy way out WE are putting in the extra effort We are trying to walk that extra mile stitching that extra mile half measures availed us absolutely nothing WE must daily work to improve preparing daily for the worst it is important to close the windows before the storm preventing a possible disaster from happening and possibly   cure cancer heh heh heh it is a one day at a time and We are practicing these principles in all OUR affairs.GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference GOD I offer myself to thee to build with me and to do with me as thou wilt Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of thy POWER LOVE and WAY of LIFE may I do thy will always AMEN Today is the day WE can work with WE start as soon as WE awake in the AM and continue all day it is so important that we do not skip or wash over anything so we are thorough and WE keep no secrets from GOD WE use whatever is handy WE want and are willing and preparing for GOD to use us in whatever way he wants WE are content today trudging the road to happy destiny repeating over and over repetition in religions around for a couple thousand years and still going strong well there are good ones and bad ones the program tells us GOD as WE understood GOD so that makes it possible for everyone to use and recover when we do the steps and work them into our lives one day at a time WE are practicing these principles in all our affairs 

GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE GOD I OFFER MYSELF TO THEE TO BUILD WITH ME AND DO WITH ME AS THOU WILT TAKE AWAY MY DIFFICULTIES THAT VICTORY OVER THEM MAY BEAR WITNESS TO THOSE I WOULD HELP OF THY POWER LOVE AND WAY OF LIFE AMENGOD is my guiding light my direction I am working daily to gain a more intimate relationship with GOD and develop a working relationship GOD I am your boy use me in whatever way you see fit I will continue to do these steps and to help others where we can and daily we are doing the needed I used to over extend myself and I was lying all the time and the truth was out of reach this time I have no secrets and my life is my life today it is what it is WE are clearing away the wreckage of the past and WE are healing and recovering from this seemingly hopeless dise3ase of the BODY MIND and SPIRIT ideally WE want to totally submerse OUR WHOLE selves into the inner workings of this wonderful program designed for A LIFE TIME of working closely with GOD doing his will for us daily working the exercises  improving strengthening the good habits good traits skills life learning lessons WE IDEALLY want to submerse our WHOLE SELVES deeply into the inner workings of this program for living life on LIFE’S terms half measures availed us nothing we strive for perfection in everything WE do WE do it to the very best of OUR ABILITY