Over a time span of thirty-five to forty years these two have beenfighting over me for years .I guess the attention was what I was looking for so good choices weren’t as fun so the devil won most of the time until about ten years back when Fate dealt me a losing hand not even a pair when your luck runs out you are left with you and only you now is the time to make some important changes/ decisions that will seriously effect the outcome of these events when a person takes the time to show the procedure and the benefits from going this route out-weighed the cost of business with the big wigs on the Wall street market just on the North side of Nowhere right smack-dab in the middle of “very LOST”Not a very safe place to be when the proverbial SHIT hits the fan similar to Shit flows DOWN-HILL and PAY-DAY is FRIDAY.When someone says Trust ME Shoot First because it’s a case of HIM or YOU What’s the verdict here ?is a question that needs an answer before moving to the SHADOW WORLD Me/you
US/THEM This BLOGproperty of ME W-who W-what W-why W-Where W-When H-How
We as a People striving to be More than We have ever been.Writing about my Life is an important exercise for me
Surviving the SEVENTIES with little mental damage and a few aches and pains Amazing considering the ONES who weren’t so FORTUNATE!!! STUFF HAPPENS from time to time that cannot be explained by normal as apposed to the Para-Normal or extra-sensory-perception / U F O’S, E.T.’S This is where the answer waits for our resources and technology catches up to their “basic knowledge” as apposed to our advanced space and time different dimensions of this one Two realms of reality parallel to one another realm exactly opposite not opposite mirror image totally MIND BLOWING discoveries found by communicating and even inter-action(touch) this is so ahead we have nothing resembling this it’s more complex than our smartest computersslow progress and nothing even resembles anything we got so we are literally helpless. Starting from scratch can be advantageous in the sense we have not picked up any bad HABITS as yet! Now that is very good for Us.Actually it always boils down to US against THEM, GOOD>EVIL, RIGHT > WRONG
The most > The least Two is not even close to all for-instance infinite numbers of dimensions Common one is FOURTH-DIMENTION the known are one,two ,and three These have been well documented and studies show that the fourth dimension is the most misunderstood because we do already understand but it's so simple we missed it Our smartest were looking for something complex
whereas the reality is the 4th dimension can be accessed at any-time anywhere in our solar system however we need special gear so we don't vaporize into nothingness The gear is a flight suite equipped with audio-video and we are connected to The Nation's own special "area" we are in a vehicle that protects us beyond our own dimension to the fourth Okay now the trick is there isn’t any trick the 4th is basically the same except there are no forms the "people"only can be sensed through brain transmissions get translated into something they understand as what vice-versa!